ARCH Medical Direction and Maintenance Program

You wouldn't drive a car without insurance.
Why would you manage your AED without Arch?

Just like auto insurance, Arch exists to provide the support you need. When you need us, we are here for you.

Managing an AED seems simple, just pop in the battery, hang it on a wall, and you're done but there is a lot more to managing your AED. Failure to manage your device properly could lead to violations of local Good Samaritan laws meant to protect you, exposing you to liability in the event your device does not function when used.

 Managing your AED requires the consideration of local and state laws which may include conducting regular checks as specified by the device manufacturer, a proper post-event usage plan, emergency medical service notification, and may even require medical direction under a licensed physician.

 Arch Medical Direction and Program Management will handle all of the requirements mentioned above, and a lot more including:

  • Developing a post AED usage plan, which includes - downloading the data from the AED, having a physician interpret the data and compile a report that needs to be submitted to required agencies.

  • Registering your AED with the required local agencies

  • Conducting regular inspections to ensure the AED functions properly

  • Having Medical Direction (for states that require it)

  • Replacing expiring parts

  • Efficiently managing multiple devices and trained CPR responders spread across multiple locations, all with different expiration dates.

When you factor everything involved in managing your AED, all of a sudden it doesn't seem all that simple. But it can be!


AED Management- Simplified

Arch is a web-based tool that is designed to streamline AED ownership and assist with compliance. It includes a lot of features and benefits, including the post-event AED usage plan which includes:

 In the event of an AED usage, Arch includes:

  • A team of physicians oversee the implementation or use of AED devices and review the data collected to ensure the AED worked as expected in a rescue situation, then will provide a report of their findings

  • Free loaner AED while the data on your AED is being downloaded and interpreted

  • After the AED is used, data from the event is reported to required agencies on your behalf

  • A copy of the data report for your records

  • Free shipping of your AED and loaner AED

  • Replacement AED pads sent after documented AED usage

Other features and benefits included with your subscription:

  • Monthly AED check reminders with late alerts to ensure your AED is ready to rescue. To help meet statutory mandates and AED manufacturer’s guidelines, AEDs should be checked at least monthly and documentation of the 30-day readiness check should be recorded. Arch provides a password-encrypted platform to safely store monthly AED checks. You no longer have to walk back and forth between your AED and your workstation to report and record your AED inspections. Nor are you forced to use unverifiable maintenance techniques like “check tags" and paper files. Arch’s Software as a Service (SaaS) program offers the world’s first method of performing mandatory readiness checks on your smartphone! You can use your smartphone to log into Arch to perform readiness checks while in front of the AED, saving you time.

  • Email reminders of upcoming expiration dates for AED batteries and electrode pads.

  • Automatic registration with the required local agencies for added confidence in case of an event

  • Automatic AED registration with your local Emergency Medical Services for "Good Samaritan Law" compliance (when required). Since each county and state in the United States sets their own standards, creates their own registration forms, has their own unique filing protocols, streamlining a national program using the proper documentation can be tough. The more locations and AED units deployed, the more challenging proper registration and documentation requirements become. We know the requirements. We file the registration paperwork with the local public safety answering point (PSAP) and EMS agency, if needed in your state. Furthermore, since some counties require specific information or a signature, we will reach out to you for this additional information, if needed. Once filed, each AED registration form is saved in your account for future reference with a date stamp of submission date.

  • Online tracking of CPR expiration dates and certification status of your trained responders

  • Online access to your Policy and Procedures Manual

  • 1, 3 and 5-Year plans available


Whenever you purchase a Lifeline View AED through Ocean Medic we include the 3-year ARCH Maintenance program free, a savings of $199 if purchased separately